software setup & Population
We have an exemplary service to help you populate your data. It involves configuring iCOMPLY and developing forms consistent with the policies and procedures governing each Requirement. We populate each Requirement with the procedures and the responsible parties attach the evidence or link the evidence to the appropriate databases. We will create event types and link them to the Requirements, schedule recurring events, set up users, assign access rights, assign responsibilities, assign notifications, set up portal pages, and other software administration functions. We also have the ability to prepare, develop and create custom features and reports as needed.
Software Administration
We offer system administration services to maintain your system and software. This involves such things as ensuring you have the latest version of the software, and the latest Standards definitions by installing them as needed. We also will add new users, change user access rights, create and schedule new events, set up notifications, attach evidence, create new forms and other needed administration services.
compliance program Development
Program Organization
We can help you by organizing the job into small, manageable pieces that meet your internal objectives and structure. Included are resource assessments, responsibility assessments, access rights assessments, operational process assessments, database integration planning, IT needs assessments and reporting requirements.
Implementation Schedule Development
We can help prepare optimistic, realistic and fall back implementation schedules utilizing sound time management techniques. These plans include items such as logistics, costs, training, review processes, data validation, start-up testing procedures, and compliance evaluations.
compliance policy review & development
We offer tried and true evidence management schemes for handling NERC evidence that are logical, understandable and complete to assure the evidence you need is available for that audit. We will help you determine what evidence to gather, how to gather it, and where you are going to store them. Often this involves various databases already in use elsewhere in the company, or data files in drawers, or in electronic format. We can help prepare a data organizing plan for this purpose. Includes required evidence, supplemental evidence, Multi- Requirement evidence, communication’s tracking, scheduled and unscheduled evidence handling. Lead Consultant
We are experienced consultants and can lead this effort if needed or assist you as directed.